Scaffolding & Formwork Accessories

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Anchor Nut

An anchor nut is a crucial component in construction and formwork systems, serving as a fastening element to secure threaded rods or bars in place.

Wing Nut

A wing nut is a type of nut with two large wings or projections that allow for easy hand tightening and loosening without the need for tools.

 tie rod
Tie Rod

A tie rod is a construction component commonly used to provide structural stability and support in various building applications

joint pin
Joint Pin (Expandable)

A joint pin, specifically an expandable joint pin, is a crucial component used in scaffolding systems to securely connect and align scaffold tubes or pipes. .

spigot pin
Spigot Pin

A spigot pin is a vital component used in scaffolding systems to connect and align various scaffold elements, providing stability and structural integrity.

 props sleeve
Props Sleeve

A props sleeve is a cylindrical tube or casing designed to house and support adjustable props. It is commonly used in construction and formwork

L&T nut
L & T Nut

An L&T nut is a wing nut with a distinctive L and T-shaped design. It is specifically designed for use in formwork applications.

 bottom cup
Bottom Cup

A bottom cup is a cylindrical cup-shaped device designed to be placed at the lower end of vertical scaffold poles.

top cup
Top Cup

A top cup is a cylindrical cup-shaped device designed to be placed at the upper end of horizontal scaffold ledgers.

ledger blade
Ledger Blade

A ledger blade is a metal component with a specific design that allows it to securely connect horizontal ledgers.

Pin and wedges
Pin & Wedges

Pin and wedges are essential components in formwork and scaffolding systems, commonly used to securely connect.

////// water stopper
Water Stopper

A water stopper is a vital construction component designed to prevent the passage of water through joints, gaps.

scaffolding bracket
Scaffolding Bracket

A scaffolding bracket is a crucial support element in construction, providing a secure platform for workers, tools.